The pliers executions re-use the same animations as the flashlight.The dentist chair execution is missing an action of a hand drill being twisted into the hunter's face before the other drill is used.A filter was added to obscure the execution animations.The following edits were made in the PS2, PSP and Wii versions: This version of the game got an M (Mature) rating, and an 18 certificate by the BBFC, after an appeal when the edited version was rejected. They added a filter to the executions, with the Wii version having a red filter and the PS2 & SPP versions having a blue and green filter.
After the game was rejected classification by the BBFC (therefore banning it in the UK) and the ESRB gave the game an AO (Adults Only) rating, games of which Sony and Nintendo don't allow on their consoles, Rockstar edited the game.